Samboy Lim continues to make health progress (file photo)
By Ivan Saldajeno

Former PBA star Samboy Lim is on a fast track to a full recuperation from a comatose he suffered late last year according to Maria Wicklund.

In a her Facebook post, Wicklund said that Lim "looked a lot better" when she visited last January 10. In particular, she said that his "cheeks had more color, lots of eye activity, mouth opening and closing as if wanting to speak, and he was able to move his lips like he was blowing kisses at us." She also said that Lim can now process some information too.

Wicklund also recalled how Lim reacted when his daughter Jamie announced that she passed the UPCAT, ACET, and the DLSUCET.

"...the mood changed. Samboy was deeply touched and he cried. A tear fell down his cheeks," she remembered.

Wicklund said that she is glad that Lim, who was on coma for 43 days after passing out during a PBA legends game on November 28, is making progress and thanked everyone who made his support to the PBA's "Skywalker".