SBP says Nic Jorge's 'wisdom will be terribly missed'

Rocky Chua/Runner Rocky (file photo)
By Ivan Saldajeno

MANILA--The SBP said on Sunday that the Philippine basketball community lost one of its bright minds with the passing of former coach Nic Jorge.

"A founding member of the SBP, Mr. Jorge left his mark in Philippine basketball and his wisdom will be terribly missed," a statement from the said organization read.

Jorge was among those who helped establish the SBP in 2007 that in turn reinstated the Philippines in international play after a two-year FIBA suspension due to the row within the SBP's predecessor, the Basketball Association of the Philippines. Prior to that, he also became the secretary general for BAP during the 1980's.

Jorge, who the SBP called "a stalwart of our sport," died on Saturday during his sleep at age 78.

Jorge's brainchild, the Milo BEST Center, has become the stepping stone for current PBA players as they carve their career paths, making him the godfather of modern day grassroots basketball.

"It took a visionary in Mr. Jorge to harness the Filipino youth's potential," the SBP further stated.

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